Member Workout

Today's Workout by Stephen Cooper

Warm up 2x

(first round, 60 sec. regular pace, second round, down to the count of 10 - hold for 2 seconds - up for 10 seconds...repeat this for the 60 seconds)

Push up

In and out crunch

Plie squat

Regular crunch

Russian twist


(Same pattern as above.  One set at regular pace for 60 sec., then 2nd set at 10 - 2 - 10 pace.)


KB pullover (on back, crunch position, arms straight, pull over)

Curl up crunch (on back, 1 leg straight on ground, other leg bent, regular crunch up)

KB chest press

Toe reaches (on back, legs up towards sky, bring shoulders and head up hand touch ankles)

KB skull crushers (on back, legs bent, elbows tight, extend hands up towards sky)

Diamond push ups

KB biceps curl

Double crunch (on back, elbows and knees come together to touch)

KB rear deltoid raise (bent over at waist, looking at ground, extend arms by side and raise hands)

Seated dip from mat

KB bent over row (bend at waist, KB in one hand, pull with your biceps and lat muscle)

Drop knees to the side, regular crunch up


Partner stretch (crossing arms, holding wrist, let butt sit back and away from your partner

Today's Workout by Stephen Cooper

A note on the workouts listed.  They may change from morning to evening, and there are often some other modifications.

I will be adding descriptions of the exercises as best I can.

  • Today's work time was 60 sec. to about 15 sec rest...
  • Equipment needed KB and medicine ball

Warm up 

Suicides between cones

Running Backwards between cones

Clapping or "plyometric" push ups  (knees=easy, toes=hard)

Split jumps


Partner drills-

From knees facing each other, medicine ball toss to partner, then push up

Standing medicine ball toss from hip, throwing to your partner using your core, R and L side toss

Dips on wall (on own=easy, with partner holding ankles=hard)

Walking with partner on back, "piggy back"


Rolling, reverse burpees  (Squat low to ground, roll onto back, touch shoulders, then roll to feet, stand up


Alternate between kettlebell exercises and medicine ball exercises

KB swings/ MB crunch ups

KB snatch R and L hands/ MB wood chops R and L

KB press R and L/ MB squat with press above head

KB altering hand swing/MB push up (1 hand on ball 1 push up, roll ball to other hand, and alternate)


Seated back to back MB exchange, clockwise/counter clockwise

Seated facing each other, ankles locked with your partner, one person leans back touches MB to ground over head, come up and toss MB to your partner.